Two Wings
Agroforestry Shapes the Future of Colombia
Potentials of Agroforestry for Colombia
Let's travel to a country that is dressed in green and blessed with brown fertile soil. This is Colombia, the most biodiverse country in the world after Brazil and home to many species and ground for different types of native flora. Being born in this country seems to offer lots of food sources, chances to grow, and jobs to fill-in. But the area is losing enormous amounts of its trees to deforestation and change of functionality from conserving rainforests to cultivation. This is a threat for biodiversity and inhabitants of the region. In order to help restore the nature and increase food sovereignty, it is necessary to support and expand programs such as Agroforestry in the region.
Globalforestwatch.org reports that “From 2001 to 2020, Colombia lost 4.66Mha of her tree cover, equivalent to a 5.7% decrease in tree coverage since 2000, and produced 2.59 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions.”. The reduction of animals and plants is leading to the loss of biodiversity and a shift in ecosystem functions. Here you can see Colombia Tree cover map (2001-2020):
Source: Colombia Interactive Forest Map & Tree Cover Change Data | GFW (globalforestwatch.org)
At a glance, it is visible that deforestation is growing like cancer in the body of the country, and much fewer blue areas are left compared to the pink ones. It shows that deforestation is faster than our attempts to bring back the trees. But we can do better!
Fortunately, we can join hands to restore nature and increase food sovereignty by agroforestry in nations such as Colombia. For this purpose, FUNDAEC NGO has started programs in cooperation with TwoWings for planting trees and training local residents in agroforestry and botanical sciences. This will raise awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and practicing sustainable agriculture to reduce hunger crisis in the region.
Sustainable Development
One solution that shows positive and enduring results in Colombia, is training the local residents with life changing skills. FUNDAEC is taking care of this goal in a systematic education process where enthusiastic individuals, local families, and farmers with small farms meet in tutorial and training sessions to practice agroforestry.
They learn the basics of planting and nourishing a tree. Later, they internalize these concepts by practicing them consistently and sharing their innovative ideas. TwoWings is one of the non-profit organizations that promotes and financially supports the process by raising awareness and encouraging contributions. This allows the global community to contribute to the material and social well-being of such rural communities.
Process and Objectives of the Program:
- Observation: Farmers and new learners observe and assess the capabilities of their lands to gradually change them to highly-efficient plots.
- Education: Through a learning system that allows any individual, youth or adult to have access to education, the program teaches practical skills to communities in Colombia and enables them to improve their well-being and financial resources.
- Revival of nature: 10,000 trees in first phase of the program are to be planted within house gardens, mini-farms, and common areas that are shared by community members.
- Facilitating productivity: community will teach the participants how to clear, hoe, and fertilize the plants, and master ways to keep the trees safe from pests and crop diseases.
- Sapling distribution: Ensuring that the inhabitants have access to diverse sapling and native trees from a community nursery.
Strengthening Community Bonds
Like any other sustainable program, small agroforestry in Colombia also gives participants the chance to socialize, consult and explore together. The weekly meetings and workshops are a great place to share the knowledge and experiences that are gained from practice.
They also evaluate the progress of the program and its high-priority issues, and fabricate practical solutions for their current and future concerns. More complex concepts such as ways to distribute products, cost accounting, and product promotion are also introduced and gradually fit into the right place along the process.
The strong bond and connection formed within these communities foster a sense of belonging and motivates more involvement. In effect, people notice glimmers of positive change happening around them and clearly witness how unity and hard work transforms their lives for the better.
The socio-environmental impact of this program would be a shift of perspective among residents. They will regard themselves as a vibrant community rather than a dependent one! Such communities gain the required capabilities to increase their development capacities by collective work, address the environmental challenges, enhance their productivity and food sovereignty, and stabilize their economy and financial status.
Benefits of Agroforestry for Farmers
- Selling more products due to high quality and better taste
- Production of organic food that is healthier and more nutritious
- Growth in the rural prosumers to foresee and meet supply and demand
- Closer cooperation in community
- Having an efficient market
Since the start of the program, more families have thrived and gained life changing benefits from agroforestry and planting trees. With your contributions today, more residents will take advantage of this program. Your support to sustain this mission will provide more nutritious food for people and preserve their native forests for next generations. To obtain more information and updates on this program, please visit: TwoWings Programs