Two Wings
The Relationship between the Individual and the Society in Achieving Sustainable Development
The state of the earth and human life is of concern because of various problems. These include air pollution, increasing poverty, climate change, water pollution, poor access to health and education, malnutrition, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. This list could probably be continued to the end of the page, so we will stop here to talk about the solution(s) that can put an end to all these social, economic, and environmental crises. To meet these challenges, sustainable development is what we need to save the world and our lives. Sustainable development is about meeting human needs in ways that don't harm any group of people or other creatures, both now and in the future. Sustainable development was first introduced after World War II and has since developed to include respect for the environment and the understanding that human life is deeply connected to nature. The core values of sustainable development now require a master plan that considers both human rights and the ecosystem.
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
- (‘Brundtland Report’ published by WCDE)
Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 goals to achieve sustainable development by 2030. All 17 goals are aimed at creating peace and prosperity for all people and our planet, now and for generations to come. These 17 goals are all in support of the three main pillars of sustainability, which are social justice, economic growth, and environmental protection. Some of these goals are overcome poverty, zero hunger, climate action, decent work and economic growth. You can view all 17 goals below:
The global goals for sustainable development
Who are the key players in achieving Sustainable Development?
No country or individual can achieve sustainable development alone. It is also impossible to achieve sustainable development in just one region of the world. Our lives are interconnected and the activities and decisions of one person in the East have a butterfly effect on the lives of another person in the West. To develop a more sustainable world for present and future generations, we need the combined efforts and creativity of all members of society. This includes small and large NGOs, industries, businesses, and governments. A successful approach to sustainable development requires individuals and society to work in harmony. It will not be effective if any member of society (individuals, organizations, or institutions) works in isolation, thinking only of their profit. Real change will come through small actions taken collectively. So, the question that arises here is: How can these members participate?
“No matter how complex global problems may seem; it is we ourselves who have given rise to them. They cannot be beyond our power to resolve.”
- (Daisaku Ikeda; peacebuilder, philosopher, educator, author and poet.)
Blueprint for Sustainable Development:
- Raising Awareness
A lack of knowledge about sustainable development and the critical need to pay attention to it means we are on the wrong track. To move forward and achieve the goals of sustainable development, we need to raise awareness of what it is and why we need it. When we say sustainable development, we mean that all people in all places in the world meet their basic needs and live a decent life, increase their ability to overcome the challenges and obstacles ahead of sustainability goals, and grow their skills and attitudes toward every aspect of sustainable development. The effects of illiteracy on society include poverty, unemployment, health problems, overpopulation, injustice, inefficient use of resources, etc. People from all walks of life need to access education according to sustainable development requirements to become agents of change rather than recipients of help.
Raising awareness about sustainable development
- Changing Our Habits
Sustainable development is not just about growth. It is about changing our attitudes and habits to live sustainably. Habits are powerful barriers to change. We cannot fully achieve sustainability without changing our daily habits. First and foremost, individuals and other organizations must examine their attitudes about the choices they make, from using reusable shopping bags to avoiding air-polluting transportation. But individual efforts must go hand in hand with other parts of society. It is impossible to achieve sustainable development simply by not using plastic bags, but we also require industries and companies to pay attention to their marketing strategies and manufacturing practices such as avoiding the use of harmful packaging materials, participating in CSR programs, finding solutions to reduce their environmental footprint, etc. Both individuals and society need to become sensitive to the impact of their activities on the planet and people in the sustainable development plan and think of ways to improve the quality of life on this planet for everyone.
Replace old habits with new, sustainable habits
TwoWings’ Efforts for Sustainable Development
At TwoWings, our core belief is to support people in need by helping them to realize their potential through educational programs. Our development programs, mainly implemented in the Southern Hemisphere, are based on the idea that the people with whom we engage are not passive recipients of help. Instead, they are valuable resources for creative solutions. We work with local people from disadvantaged regions to expand and implement our programs. Currently, TwoWings works with sustainable programs such as FUNDAEC and Erfan foundations. The FUNDAEC aims to improve knowledge in education, agriculture, the local economy, etc. while Erfan aims to promote education in the local community. You can find out ways to contribute to these sustainable development programs by clicking here.
Achieving sustainable development depends on the broad support, participation, and cooperation of individuals, organizations, and institutions within society. As our actions affect each other, no single group can work independently of the others without considering the demands of sustainable development. In addition, natural resources are non-renewable. We cannot use more than the planet can regenerate. Therefore, we must all balance our needs with sustainability goals to protect the planet for present and future generations.