Two Wings
Top 7 Reasons to Support Girls’ Education
One of the world's best investments is girls’ education. Looking at the developed nations, a clear fact is evident that the education rate among the female population is high. This alone leads a nation toward progress and prosperity as women get more educated and are directed toward positions in society alongside men.
In this journey to make education accessible for all girls and women, everyone including individuals, groups, governments, and organizations have a role to play. As a community we can also do our part by sponsoring education organizations, raising awareness, developing education programs, or supporting education initiatives.
In this blog we examine 7 important reasons to support girl's education:
1) Gender Equity and Social Justice
Education should be sustainable and equitable for entire communities, bringing collective progress and advancement for all. The key to making education accessible to all lies in investing to build more schools and train more teachers in all regions of the world. By promoting girls' education, building more schools, especially in disadvantaged regions, and supporting them to achieve equality, we strengthen society and lead it toward social justice. To achieve equality, we need social justice; an essential prerequisite for development, sustainable peace and security, which we have already discussed in detail in our blog named "girls' education: problems, facts and how to help".
Men and women from different nations showing unity by putting their hands together
2) Healthy Communities
Education saves the lives of children and their mothers by developing a greater awareness of health issues. There is a direct correlation between girls who continue their education and a significant decrease in infectious diseases. The lower rates of deadly diseases in better educated communities are due to the fact that most young adults have completed elementary school and know how these diseases are transmitted.
When it comes to health, education matters. Dr. Scott Lear, professor of health sciences at Simon Fraser University, explains, "Low education is associated with risk factors such as obesity, hypertension and smoking, all of which increase the risk of early disease and death."
3) Better Job Opportunities and Economic Enhancement
One of the reasons to support girls’ education is the economic impact it has on society. Women play important roles in the social, economic, and political development of nations. Every year a girl spends in school increases her future income and benefits communities economically. A World Economic Forum article states, "Every $1 spent on girls' rights and education would generate a $2.80 return - equivalent to billions of dollars in extra GDP.”
A woman working at the workshop
In today’s world, an educated applicant is more likely to be employed and have a safe job. Having a job can also guarantee women health insurance and retirement benefits and open doors to advancement. Lower educated girls and women are more likely to stay at home, marry at a young age, and have more than 3 children.
4) Smaller and More Sustainable Families
More educated women tend to have smaller families in part because they can find more employment opportunities and make better knowledge and decisions about health and disease factors such as nutrition, prenatal care, hygiene, and immunizations. Fewer children in the family means a greater chance of improvement and survival for a child, which is critical to reducing the leading causes of child death.
Three African children with the hope placard
A small family with few children provides parents with the time and energy needed to better raise children and provide them with food, medical care, and education over time. The mother's education is crucial for the proper upbringing of the children, because her mental health and wisdom has a great influence on the habits and lifestyle of her children.
5) Creative and Innovative Thinking
It is known that education creates more social networks and connections for a person, providing access to emotional, financial and psychological resources. When a girl receives an education, she becomes more involved in society and is, therefore, more confident. This can help women unlock their potential, improve their creative thinking, and reduce distress and stress.
6) Women’s Leadership Saves the World
Think of the cycle that exists today in many regions of the world. A cycle of women facing discrimination and inequality at home and in the community. The violence and abuse that threatens women leads to illiteracy and poverty. The reverse of this cycle would be empowering girls to become educated, more confident, and find better jobs to serve their communities alongside men.
Women working in a greenhouse farm
Female leaders are necessary because they serve as role models and create a more diverse workforce. The opportunity to learn, earn, and lead produces noble leaders among women who will wisely lead the world to peace and tranquility.
7) A solution to Natural Disasters and Climate change
Natural disasters due to climate change harm many families every year. Countries need to educate their citizens and adopt ambitious policies, such as increasing the use of renewable energy. Local emissions targets are needed for businesses and companies. Women and girls have the potential to make transformative changes within the world's constructive movements for peace because they are by nature opposed to war and conflict. According to a report by the Drawdown project(1), enabling all women to access education and healthcare would have the same impact on greenhouse gas emissions as restoring more than 230 million hectares of tropical forest.
Women have the potential to become great environmental stewards and further invest in climate solutions. Girls with higher education become better decision makers and can handle crises. Women are more adaptable to diverse conditions and can prepare themselves and others for different situations.
We have given you many reasons to support girls' education. Now it's time to take action! TwoWings can be your guide on this journey to support girls' education. Find out more about the programs of TwoWings and take a step towards a better world.