Two Wings
Girls’ Education: Problems, Facts and How to Help
A Glance into Girls’ Education
Imagine a country that bans girls’ education and prevents them from going to middle school; unimaginable, right? Now think about the fact that such an offensive matter is happening in some countries of the world. It’s a wonder that still today, in some regions, girls’ right to knowledge is being rolled back either by the hardline leaders seeing girls and women’s education as a threat or by poverty that holds them back from turning up at school and doing well. In one country, girls have been banned from having education beyond middle school; in another country, only 38% of girls finish primary school because of the compulsion to marry at a young age or because of poverty. The list goes on as such tangible problems continue in many parts of the world. Most people in the developed world would not believe such a thing to be real as they send their daughters to the best schools safe and sound every day, helping them find their true passion and become who they desire to be in the future. It seems unbelievable that in a world with many more educated and more employed women than ever who have achieved great success despite many adversities, the education right is not completely gained for all yet. So, why is it that despite the social and political spotlight on education, there’s not much equality going on for girls and women to learn and release their potential without limitation? Something so simple, yet so powerful.
The importance of girls’ education
Girls are the mothers of the next generation and trainers of the child from its infancy. Their behavior, mental health, and wisdom significantly affect their children’s habits and lifestyles. One girl’s education makes the difference and the positive effects increase as they get directed towards different positions in society alongside men in the future. This interaction among men and women with equal power and status reduces gender differences in behavior.
Girls and women’s education is vital to the world because:
- It is the foundation for gender equity and social justice.
- Girls with higher levels of education are less likely to marry at a young age and have more than 3 children.
- It strengthens economies, enhances job opportunities, and breaks the cycle of poverty.
- Girls are in charge of educating the next generation and making an impact.
- Education empowers creative and innovative thinking and provides sustainable solutions.
- It is the basis of a healthy community and nation, reducing diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, malnutrition, and maternal and infant mortality.
- It empowers women’s leadership as they are committed pacifists capable of leading the world toward tranquility.
- It is the foundation for policy change in issues such as sustainable development and climate change that provides worldwide benefits.
Today’s challenges of girls’ education
One problem holding girls back is that education is not freely available to everyone. Poverty is one of the barriers preventing them from accessing an education, forcing them to drop out of school. They are the first victims of poverty when their families lack income to provide food, school fees, and essentials such as healthcare products. Women and girls are more prone to infection and diseases, another reason why they no longer attend school and miss out on a vital part of their education. Poverty puts young girls at risk of early marriage, early pregnancy, and abuse or forces them to support their families, so they have no role in making crucial life decisions for their future. Their potential is being wasted and disappears over time without being nurtured. That is why investing in girls’ and women’s education and supporting young women’s leadership is such an important matter, proven to improve the health and welfare of any nation.
Despite fundamental progress over the past decades, the educational access level is lower for girls than boys in many countries, especially at the secondary and higher levels. The reason is that social norms leave girls in the continuing cycle of discrimination, violence, and mistreatment that discourage women from taking full advantage of their potential in choosing an occupation. The vast inequality in learning between men and women has downward effects on girls, their families, and communities, while educated girls and women play key role in the socio-economic developments. They can bring a greater female involvement to build a dynamic society and economy alongside men to lead the world toward progress and prosperity together. Breaking such a destructive cycle in a community is not possible except by supporting and investing in education.
Facts About Girls' Education Around the World
Knowing the harm that women's illiteracy does to society, it would be good to know that women make up more than two-thirds of the world's 796 million illiterate people. According to UNESCO, nearly 25 percent of all girls in developing countries have not completed primary school. In almost seven countries of the world, two-thirds of girls have never been to school, so naturally, the chance of them seeking an education for their daughters in the future would be lower than expected.
According to the World Bank, each year of secondary education may reduce the likelihood of marrying before the age of 18 by five percentage or more in many countries. In Mali, girls’ education in secondary or higher levels has affected childbirth numbers. Educated women have an average of 3 children while those with no education have 7. In Burkina Faso, mothers with secondary education are more likely to have safe childbirth than those with no education. Studies show that HIV spreads twice as fast among uneducated girls in Zambia. All statistics bring us closer to realizing the importance of girls’ and women’s education.
Support Girls’ Education and Save the World
Taking action to support girls’ education and curbing the impact of illiteracy is not always an instinct. People need to be aware of the challenges they face around the world and the effects of discrimination on them. People living in prosperous countries usually find it difficult to sympathize with those living in underprivileged regions with no access to knowledge. Considering that all human beings have an enthusiasm and passion for progress, raising awareness about girls' education and investing in it is never a waste of energy.
Community volunteer training to support learners is one way of assisting girls. Besides the fact that volunteering is a life-changing experience, it empowers people, so that they can create a better future on their own. Suppose you are passionate about supporting women and girls' education and are willing to make an impact by empowering them to access quality education. In that case, you can always search for volunteer opportunities in your community or worldwide to share your skills and experience.
The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of female illiteracy. Today, many NGOs and organizations contribute to girls’ and women’s education worldwide to transform lives and communities. When you sponsor a girl or a program through these organizations, you help provide primary necessities such as access to education and health care. TwoWings is one of the non-profit organizations working on sustainable training projects for young women and girls since 1996.
Girls’ Education Is the Key
Finally, the root cause of most failures and hardships in the world is the lack of education. Matters such as poverty and inequality are all intertwined with neglecting equal opportunities in education for all. Education is the basis for developing skills such as intellectual virtue, critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and a strong work ethic for girls. In many deprived regions of the world, girls do not even mind having little equipment or sitting on the floor at school, for all they wish for is an education and chances to release their potential. By keeping them in school, they will have a better chance for safety and security, education and health, and to make their own life choices and decisions. Keeping girls at school is the best way of ending child marriage, poverty, and pervasive diseases. Raising public awareness, easing the challenges for education, and supporting NGOs around the world lead everyone to play their part in solving the problem of illiteracy which affects all nations, rich or poor. Education is the key to success.